Virtual Services

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About Virtual Services

Moving Therapy Outside of the Clinic

There are many potential benefits to working with a psychologist virtually. In some cases, meeting online is preferred and can even enhance the experience of therapy.


Virtual therapy eliminates the need for travel, saving time and reducing transportation issues and stress. This may be especially helpful in reducing barriers for individuals with limited mobility, health conditions or disabilities, those living in remote areas, or people with busy schedules.

Convenience and Flexibility

Virtual therapy offers flexibility in scheduling appointments. It removes the need to coordinate in-person meetings and eliminates extra travel or time waiting. Clients can often find appointment times that fit their schedules more easily.

Comfort and Familiarity

Some people may feel more at ease in their own environment, which can increase comfort and openness during sessions. Being in a familiar space can also create a sense of security, making it easier for clients to discuss sensitive or personal topics.

Meet with your therapist in the comfort of your own home

Why choose virtual services

The advantages of convenience, comfort, and use of digital tools play an important role in enhancing the effectiveness and consistency of therapy.

Continuous Care

Virtual therapy can provide ongoing support during unexpected events or major transitions such as relocation, travel, or temporary circumstances that may disrupt in-person therapy. Clients can stay connected with their therapists from anywhere in Ontario or anywhere their clinician is permitted to practice. In some cases, with notice, clinicians may be able to obtain permission to continue sessions while clients are in other provinces or outside of Canada.


Virtual therapy provides a level of privacy that may be beneficial for some people, such as those who may feel self-conscious or stigmatized about seeking therapy. Virtual therapy eliminates the need to physically visit a therapist’s office, allowing clients to access support from the comfort and convenience of their own chosen environment.

Use of technology

Virtual therapy may incorporate digital tools that can enhance the therapeutic experience, promote collaboration, and increase engagement. Therapists and clients can share, submit, or co-create resources, documents, and worksheets electronically. Videos, music, websites, articles, games, and various online activities or resources can be used in engaging and creative ways to foster learning, reinforce skills, and incorporate client interests and preferences into sessions.

In the moment experiences

Virtual therapy may allow therapists to incorporate in-the-moment experiences into sessions more easily. For example, therapists can be with clients virtually as they use skills or complete goals in their own environment, allowing for immediate support and guidance. Practicing in real-life settings can enhance flexibility and reinforce and consolidate new skills and strategies as they are applied directly to the client’s unique circumstances.

More Options

With virtual therapy, people have more therapists to choose from since they are not limited by location. This allows clients to find therapists who have experience related to their specific concerns or who align with client preferences, increasing the likelihood of finding a good therapeutic fit.

Virtual therapy offers a valuable, effective, and flexible option that works well for many people. It's important to note that the advantages and disadvantages can vary depending on individual circumstances, goals, and personal preferences. Our dedicated administrative staff and clinicians look forward to collaborating with you to determine the approach that will best fit your specific needs.

If you are already a virtual client, click below to access your client portal: