What to Do If Your Child Hates School

What to Do If Your Child Hates School September is here and with that comes crisp mornings, beautiful colours, cozy sweaters, warm drinks, and… Back To School. For some kids, this is a welcome change. They look forward to seeing their friends, thrive on the structure and predictability of routine, and enjoy the learning environment. […]

Neurodiversity: Understanding and Supporting Neurodiverse Children at School and Home

The concept of neurodiversity has gained significant attention in recent years, highlighting the importance of recognizing and embracing the natural variations in how people’s brains work. For parents and educators, understanding neurodiversity is crucial for creating supportive environments that allow neurodiverse children to thrive both at school and home. What is Neurodiversity? Neurodiversity is the […]

How Summer Can Boost Your Mental Health: Embrace the Season for Wellness

Summer is often associated with relaxation, vacations, and a break from the usual routine. Beyond just a time for fun and leisure, summer can have a significant positive impact on mental health. From increased sunlight to outdoor activities, the season offers various opportunities to enhance well-being. Here’s how summer can improve mental health and tips […]

Why do my kids fight so much? A Guide for Frustrated Parents

Watching your kids fight can be one of the most frustrating aspects of parenting. You love them both (or all) dearly, and all you want is for them to get along. Yet, the constant bickering, yelling, and occasional physical altercation can leave you feeling helpless and exasperated. While sibling rivalry is a normal part of […]